This article is intended for subscription coaching, not single sessions.

There are several ways for you to get started with coaching:

  1.  You can take our coach matching survey which will only take a few minutes and recommend 3 different coaches for you,
  2. You can read through our coaches' profiles and choose one yourself,
  3. Or you can schedule a free, 20-minute Match Call with our Director of Coaching who will personally select up to 3 coaches that fit what you're looking for,

Free Coaching Intro

Most, but not all, of our coaches offer a free 20-minute intro call for potential new clients. You can book intro calls with up to three different coaches as a way to see if they're a good fit to work with you. In order to book an intro call, go to the coaches profile page, look below their profile picture where it says "Book Single Sessions", and click "Coaching Intro" to schedule a time to meet with your coach. If the coach doesn't have "Coaching Intro" listed, then they don't offer that session. To see a list of our coaches that do offer intro calls, go here and click "Book Session":

Choose A Coach

If you need some guidance on determining the right coach for you, this article can help:

Sign Up

Once you've chosen a coach, go to their coach page and click "Subscribe" to select your plan. Once you've signed up, book your first session.

That's it! You're ready to start your coaching journey.